From a quick loop to an alpine lake or a weeks-long backpacking thru hike, there’s many different ways to enjoy nature by simply walking through it. A common thread amongst all forms of hiking and backpacking is the need for proper hydration.
Once you figure out how much water to carry hiking on your adventure, the next step to consider is how to carry water while hiking. Nearly all hikers and backpackers carry some form of a backpack and most backpacks sold these days have a dedicated sleeve and features to support a hydration reservoir system, which is great because it’s by far the best way to carry water while hiking. With your hydration hose accessible on the shoulder strap of your pack, you can take quick sips as you move down the trial without having to stop and take off your pack to get a water bottle out.
Many packs from our partners, like Osprey, come with HydraPak-made hiking hydration reservoirs. And, of course, you can easily drop any of our reservoir systems into any backpack you’re taking on your hike. One reservoir system feature we’ve come to be fond of is the magnetic tube clip: you can easily disconnect the tube for easy drinking and the magnet will pull it securely back into place when you let it drop. If your backpack didn’t come with one, HydraPak’s Quantum Magnetic Tube Clip is available separately.
Of course, some people prefer to drink from a water bottle and it’s nice to have one to drink from while replenishing fluids in camp. Our Stash and Stow are excellent hydration options to use while hiking: they weigh mere ounces and pack down incredibly small while not in use. Our Stow 500 mL and SoftFlask 250mL are small enough to fit in some exterior pocket or hip belt pocket on some backpacks, and are great for short journeys or supplementing your reservoir system (perhaps keeping electrolyte fluids in the smaller bottle). Additionally, we make a SoftFlask 150 mLdesigned to hold up to 5 servings of your favorite energy gel.
For overnight backpacking trips, you’ll likely find yourself needing to filter drinking water and it’s always nice to have a good supply of water available at your campsite for cooking and washing up. Our Seeker 2 L - 4 L and Expedition 8 L water storage solutions offer multiple options for bringing water into camp, and each one packs down to a fraction of its full size in order to save space when not in use. Additionally, the Seeker Series is compatible with the Katadyn BeFree Water Filtration System: simply fill the Seeker, screw on the Katadyn BeFree cap, and you have instant access to safe drinking water.
The last considerations for ensuring a successful, enjoyable hike or backpacking trip are supplementing with electrolytes, if you’ll encounter any exceedingly hot or cold temperatures, and what the elevations are along the trail you’ll travel on. Once everything is dialed in you’ll be ready to enjoy everything nature has to offer as you walk into the wilderness.